July 4, 2007:
Hi, Carola
Jason Morgan seems to be settling in well in his new home, and looks forward to our once or twice a day walks. He's still on the retractable leash and I think will be for a while, as he doesn't really pay much attention to me while we're out, he's so excited and focused on the environment. Will sign up for an obedience class soon to work on that, but he's been great indoors, bonded to me immediately, has quickly picked up the doggie door and no accidents in the house. The first day didn't go too smoothly with him and my golden retreiver, but since then there have only been growling episodes that have not escalated, and overall they seem to be peacefully co-existing, although they have not warmed up enough to start playing together yet. Hopefully that will eventually come along.

He loves to run up and down the yard chasing bugs and birds, and seems to focus mostly on the area with groundcover which also has several trees, since the bugs and birds are more concentrated there. He entertains himself for long periods of time, as long as I am outside too, but if I am inside that's where he wants to be. I am attaching several photos of him at home. Can't take photos on our walks while I have him on a leash, but at some point may have someone come with us to take a few. It's been so hot we may head back to the beach again on Monday (having a summer heat wave currently). I'll keep in touch on how things are working out.

July 16, 2007:
Hi, Carola
He is settling in pretty well. He is giving Summer kisses and they are starting to play together. He is very avid about going out for our hikes to the point that we have started working on "door" manners, as no one can get out the door without him trying to squeeze through he is so eager to go, and his hopes are up any time I head anywhere near the door to the garage. He has been starting to calm down some on his walks in the wildlife preserve. He has the time of his life, runs like the wind continuously, finds dragonflies or birds to chase and goes leaping through the air. The tail never stops wagging frantically.

He is quite a character. Now that he and Summer are getting along, the biggest challenge we have to work on is his barking, which he seems to do quite a lot of, fortunately mostly in the house so it does not annoy the neighbors. Not sure I am going to make any headway on that one. As far as his name, I have to say I was not terribly fond of Jason Morgan as a dog's name, so I did rename him Indiana Jones (Indy for short) - seemed appropriate with his origins. He knows his new name (he is a very smart boy). He completed a course of a wormer last week, and I think he is starting to fill out a little (his spine doesn't seem as prominent) although he is still a little on the thin side. I will send more pictures when I take some next. Thanks for checking up on him.